2020-2021 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
GERM 325 - Transnationalism in Contemporary German Culture As demographic changes in Europe unmoor conventional conceptions of national culture, the discourse of transnationalism has emerged to address contemporary political and cultural phenomena no longer confined to the stages of nation-states. This course examines the transnational imagination at work in recent German cultural production, with a focus on cinematic negotiations of German and European identity. Factors contributing to these negotiations include the tenuous legacy of German unification, the consolidation of the European Union, and the migration of people to Germany from non-European backgrounds. The course’s method of inquiry is multidisciplinary, addressing contemporary films in conjunction with their historical contexts, as well as contemporary social and political theory. To address the aesthetic qualities of transnational cinema, students familiarize themselves with the terminology and methodologies of film studies and perform critical visual analyses of the cinematic material. Participation in the accompanying FLAC section is mandatory for students wishing to earn GERM major/minor credit for this course.
Credits: 1.00 Corequisite: GERM 325L Prerequisites: None Major/Minor Restrictions: None Class Restriction: None Recommended: FMST 200 is desirable but not required Area of Inquiry: Human Thought and Expression Liberal Arts CORE: Global Engagements
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