2020-2021 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PCON 327 - Australia’s Stolen Generations: The Legacies of Carrolup (Extended Study) The intellectual goal of this extended study course is to address issues of both population vulnerabilities and cultural resilience by considering Aborigines in Australia, and specifically engaging the historical geography and the contemporary experience of the Noongar community in Western Australia. Three themes form the curricular program of the extended study. (1) Students will study the historical geography of Aborigines in Australia within the context of European colonization and settlement, federation and nation-building. These issues will be framed using concepts of population vulnerability, environmental impact, and cultural heritage and identity at the national, regional and local geographic scales. (2) Students study the impacts of national, regional and local policies directed toward indigenous peoples on Aboriginal families and children, given particular focus to programs concerning part-Aboriginal children, Australia’s Stolen Generations. (3) Students learn the ways in which Aboriginal culture and “care for country” has remained resilient across time, space, and generations.
Credits: 0.50 Crosslisted: GEOG 327 Corequisite: GEOG 319 Prerequisites: None Major/Minor Restrictions: None Class Restriction: None Area of Inquiry: None Liberal Arts CORE: None
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