2017-2018 University Catalogue 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2017-2018 University Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Program


The Academic Program

Colgate’s curriculum includes a wide range of study opportunities in the arts and sciences. It is structured to provide a well-rounded liberal arts education and to prepare students for graduate and professional schools. A student’s academic program consists of courses in the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum, courses in the field of major, electives, and physical education classes. There are 55 majors offered, several of which are interdisciplinary in nature and offer honors programs. Qualified students are encouraged to participate in one of Colgate’s more than 20 off-campus study groups. Other academic options include independent study courses, guided research, and approved off-campus (non-Colgate) study programs.

The Academic Curriculum

The following sections describe important features of the curriculum. For more specific course requirements see Majors and Minors .

Academic Credit

Academic credit toward the Colgate degree is expressed in terms of course credits. Most courses taken at Colgate carry one course credit (1.00) or the equivalent of four credits on the semester-hour basis. Fractional credit (0.25 or 0.50) is awarded for academic opportunities that do not fit easily into the standard one course/one credit structure. Fractional credit of 0.25 or 0.50 may be awarded for two types of courses: (1) stand-alone fractional credit courses that have a clear intellectual rationale independent from other courses (e.g., approved half-semester courses, independent study/research); and (2) add-on fractional credit courses comprising components that intellectually engage students in ways that extend beyond the content of the full-credit course to which they are attached (e.g., laboratories, service learning, extended study, and performance). Add-on fractional credit may be either required or optional. A maximum of 2.00 course credits from add-on fractional credit courses may count toward the 32-course credit graduation requirement. There is no limitation on the number of stand-alone fractional credit courses that may count toward graduation.

All fractional credit courses receive separate grades. One-half credit courses are equivalent to two credits on the semester-hour basis and are indicated as 0.50 on the academic record. One-quarter credit courses are equivalent to one credit on the semester-hour basis and are indicated as 0.25 on the academic record.

As used in the catalogue, the term “course” means a full (1.00) course credit, as distinguished from fractional credit courses. All laboratories included in course descriptions as bearing academic credit carry 0.25 course credits, unless noted otherwise.

Curricular Requirements for Graduation

Students must complete a minimum of 32.00 course credits (with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00) and requirements for the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum, a major, and foreign language and writing (if stipulated upon admission). Additional requirements, including residency and physical education, are described in Academic Regulations .

The Liberal Arts Core Curriculum: Crossing Boundaries

Crossing Boundaries is the theme of Colgate’s Liberal Arts Core Curriculum. The Core asks students to confront questions of identity, culture, and knowledge across intellectual boundaries. The Core crosses temporal and socio-political boundaries, as well as the boundaries of academic divisions and disciplines. It also emphasizes the capacities that are essential to a liberal arts education: critical reading and thinking, effective writing, being able to move from the specific to the general and back, understanding diverse perspectives, and an overall sense of intellectual wonder.

By having a Core, Colgate affirms the centrality of a common experience for our students as they grapple with enduring questions at the heart of a liberal arts education. That common experience takes seriously classic texts as well as multiculturalism and globalization, the importance of the past as well as the contemporary moment, the relevance of modern science and technology as well as the humanities. In sum, the Core asks students to think in integrative cross-disciplinary ways about their world and themselves.

Four inter-related components - Legacies of the Ancient World, Challenges of Modernity, Scientific Perspectives on the World, and Communities and Identities - constitute the Common Core. These courses provide contexts for engagement in cross-disciplinary conversation. They educate students in complementary ways about the origins, beliefs, traditions, social patterns, and profound ideas that shaped their own and other cultures, helping students see themselves honestly and critically within a diverse global and historical perspective. These courses also help students appreciate how an emerging global community can be transformed in dynamic and significant ways by advances in science and technology and by the rapid transmission of information, ideas, and practices.

The first two components are taught by faculty members from across the University who work together to develop these courses: all sections of these two courses share common texts. Legacies of the Ancient World explores ancient texts that have given rise to philosophical, political, religious, and artistic traditions that continue to influence academic and intellectual discourse and critical thought. In Challenges of Modernity, students and faculty explore a variety of texts that contributed to, or engaged with, the ideas and phenomena central to the intellectual legacy to which we and our students are heirs.

Scientific Perspectives on the World (SP) courses engage issues of broader social significance that require scientific literacy. These courses are multi-disciplinary in focus: the topics of the SP courses span the study of the physical world, biological processes, human behavior, mathematical methods, and technological innovations. Students fulfill their SP requirement by successfully completing one of the courses listed in the CORE: Scientific Perspectives on the World type in Course Descriptions .

Courses in the Communities and Identities (CI) component provide students with a multi-layered understanding of identities, cultures, and human experiences in particular geographically distinct communities and regions of the world. Students fulfill their CI requirement by successfully completing one of the courses listed in the CORE: Communities and Identities type in Course Descriptions .

These four Core courses are not sequential. Students may take the four required core courses in any order, but are expected to complete the four common core courses by the end of their sophomore year. Exceptions may be made for students completing certain programs (for example, pre-medical study) and for students with special individual circumstances. Students who have not completed the four common core courses by the end of the second year are be required to obtain permission of the course instructor to enroll as upperclass students in core courses.

Global Engagements, the fifth Core requirement, furthers students’ understanding of the complex and diverse world in which they live. Global Engagements (GE) courses provide students with an opportunity to analyze and debate the conditions and consequences of intercultural interaction, both in the United States and in the broader world, so that they will be prepared to confront responsibly the challenges of the 21st century. Courses in this component are drawn from departments and programs across the University; all inquire into the ways that people respond to and seek meaning in multicultural national and international contexts. These courses are identified in the registration materials available each semester. A course taken to fulfill GE credit may also fulfill an Areas of Inquiry and/or major/minor requirements.

Areas of Inquiry

In order to foster breadth, the Areas of Inquiry requirement ensures that students take six courses from a range of disciplines. The curriculum is divided into three Areas of Inquiry: Human Thought and Expression; Social Relations, Institutions, and Agents; and Natural Sciences and Mathematics. A student will fulfill the Areas of Inquiry requirement by taking two courses from two different departments or programs in each of the following areas.

Human Thought and Expression

Courses in this component develop an understanding of what it means to be human: they focus on cultural and intellectual expressions throughout time. To fulfill this requirement, students must take two Human Thought and Expression courses from two different programs or departments. Most courses from the following departments/programs satisfy this area requirement: Art and Art History, the Classics, East Asian Languages and Literatures, English, German, Jewish Studies, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Romance Languages, Theater, and Writing and Rhetoric. Approved courses from other departments and programs (see the description of university studies below) may also satisfy the Human Thought and Expression Area of Inquiry requirement.

Social Relations, Institutions, and Agents

Courses in this component expose students to the study of social order and human behavior in societies of the past and present. To fulfill this requirement, students must take two Social Relations, Institutions, and Agents courses from two different programs or departments. Most courses from the following departments satisfy this requirement: Economics, Educational Studies, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology and Anthropology. Approved courses from other departments and programs may also satisfy the Social Relations, Institutions, and Agents Areas of Inquiry requirement.

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Courses in this component apply theoretical and empirical methods to the study of living organisms, the physical world, and abstract and practical mathematics. To fulfill this requirement, students must take two Natural Sciences and Mathematics courses from two different programs or departments. Most courses from the following departments satisfy this requirement: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, and Psychology, and several physical geography. Approved courses from other departments and programs may also satisfy the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Areas of Inquiry requirement.

Students are encouraged to explore the range of departmental and programmatic offerings through the six-course Areas of Inquiry requirement early in their studies at Colgate. This can be helpful in making decisions about majors and minors. First- and second-year students should take the Areas of Inquiry requirement into account as they plan their programs. Areas of Inquiry courses can count toward the major or minor.

Students should note that the Areas of Inquiry requirement cannot be fulfilled by Advanced Placement credits or other pre-matriculation credit. Neither can this requirement be fulfilled by courses taken during a summer or winter/January intersession term, unless under exceptional circumstances and with permission of the department chair, division director, and associate dean of the faculty.

University Studies

As noted, approved courses from interdisciplinary programs can fulfill the Areas of Inquiry requirement. The Division of University Studies houses interdisciplinary programs in Africana and Latin American Studies; Asian Studies; Environmental Studies; Film and Media Studies; Jewish Studies; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies; Linguistics; Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies; Native American Studies; Peace and Conflict Studies; Russian and Eurasian Studies; and Women’s Studies. It also houses the Department of Writing and Rhetoric and the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum.

In summary, the required Liberal Arts Core Curriculum has the following structure:

Common Core Courses

Legacies of the Ancient World
Challenges of Modernity
Scientific Perspective on the World
Communities and Identities

Areas of Inquiry

Human Thought and Expression (2 courses)
Social Relations, Institutions, and Agents (2 courses)
Natural Sciences and Mathematics (2 courses)

Global Engagements

For additional information see the Liberal Arts Common Core  

Distinction Seminar in the Liberal Arts Core

An optional component of the Liberal Arts Core program is the Distinction Seminar in the Liberal Arts Core. The goal of the distinction seminar is to complement honors work in departments and programs by giving students the opportunity to reflect on the broader, interdisciplinary contexts of their honors projects. This option is open to students who have completed their Core requirements with the requisite average grade.

Language Requirement

Foreign language competence is of critical value in understanding today’s world. In addition, language skills are required by many graduate schools and may be necessary to qualify for certain professional positions, particularly in today’s global economy.

The graduation requirement of competence in a foreign or classical language may be demonstrated in one of three ways:

  1. by successfully completing at least three years of study of one foreign or classical language (through the third level) in a secondary school prior to enrolling at Colgate;
  2. by demonstrating basic language skills as measured by tested proficiency (e.g., a score of 580 or better on the SAT Subject Tests in a foreign or classical language);
  3. by successfully completing the study of a foreign or classical language at Colgate through at least one term at the intermediate level.

Students are expected to complete the language requirement by the end of the fourth term at Colgate. A registration hold will be placed on the record of a student who fails to satisfy the requirement by this time. The student will be required to register for an appropriate course in the fifth term. The registration hold will remain in place until the requirement has been satisfied.

Language study is also required prior to participation in some of Colgate’s off-campus study groups.

First-Year Seminars

Director J. Graybill

First-year seminars (FSEMs) are designed to introduce students to a variety of liberal arts topics, skills, and ways of learning, including the importance of academic integrity. The FSEM emphasizes all aspects of the learning process including the exploration of individual needs and strengths, interactions with classmates, and the multiplicity of resources beyond the classroom. Special emphasis is placed on improving writing skills and using the library’s many resources. The merging of these elements into a single course provides a prime opportunity for the student to obtain a breadth of college-level experience and academic perspective. Many first-year seminars will earn credit within the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum, including Areas of Inquiry. FSEMs are listed each year in the first-year student registration materials.

Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum (FLAC)

Colgate University seeks to create an international ethos for the liberal arts by expanding the range of curricular settings in which students and professors can develop and use foreign language skills. Beyond the foreign language departments, faculty in various departments and programs encourage the use of foreign language materials in their curricula, and certain courses - such as literature in translation - offer FLAC sections in which students can engage with the material in the relevant foreign language.

Major Programs

Students investigate a body of knowledge in depth in a field of major. An official major must be selected and filed in the Office of the Registrar in the second term of the sophomore year. Students who fail to declare a major by the announced deadline will not be permitted to register for the upcoming term. A student may subsequently change majors with the approval of the new department chair or program director and the filing of a new declaration of major form with the registrar. Most major programs are centered on a single discipline and supervised by one academic department; however, a number of interdisciplinary majors permit students to major in a subject that involves several related departments. Some even cross divisional boundaries. A minimum grade of C- in introductory courses is normally needed for admission to a major. For graduation, the minimum grade point average (GPA) required for courses counted toward the major is 2.00 (C).

The major program includes at least eight courses. Most departments or programs also require a senior-level seminar or research course or independent study.

Students may pursue a double major, a major and a minor, or a major and two minors. No more than two majors, one major and one minor, or a major and two minors, may be recorded on a student’s transcript. Students should see Majors and Minors  for an alphabetical list.

Bachelor of Arts Degree (AB) Programs

The major programs are approved by the Dean’s Advisory Council and registered officially with the New York State Education Department. Specific major and honors requirements are found in Majors and Minors .

Double Major

Some students elect to fulfill the requirements for two separate majors. This choice helps focus the plan of study but greatly reduces one’s freedom in electing courses each semester.

Students wishing to declare a second major must formally file their plan with the registrar by the end of full-term course withdrawal period in the first term of the senior year.

The form filed first will be considered the primary major, unless the registrar is informed that the second form filed is to be the primary major. Students who elect to complete a double major must let each supervising department or program know that a second major is being pursued.

A course may be used to satisfy requirements in both majors. A student will only be considered to have completed a double major when at least seven of the courses completed in fulfillment of each major are unique. If the primary major requires cognate courses (which must be taken but which are not actually considered part of the major), these cognate courses may be counted toward the second major. The minimum GPA of 2.00, required for completion of the primary major, also applies to a second major.

Topical Majors

Topical majors allow students, with the advice of a faculty adviser, to design an independent, interdisciplinary course of study outside the existing department and program structure. Topical majors are used for student major programs that encompass courses from more than one department or program. The three topical major programs are in Arts and Humanities, Natural Science, and Social Sciences. Although administered at the divisional level - arts and humanities, natural sciences and mathematics, and social sciences - some topical majors may cross divisional lines. Topical major programs are approved by the respective division directors. In all cases, Colgate’s general requirements for graduation will apply. Topical majors are described under their respective divisions within the alphabetical order of Majors and Minors .


Every department and nearly every program at Colgate offers an optional minor consisting of at least five designated courses or types of courses. A major and a minor may have overlap of course requirements, but at least seven courses must be unique to the major and at least four courses must be unique to each minor. Minors should include coursework at the intermediate or advanced level. A minimum GPA of 2.00 (C) is required in all courses counted toward a minor. Minors must be filed with the registrar by the end of full-term withdrawal period in the first term of the senior year. No student may declare a minor in the same field as the student’s major.

Academic Advising

Faculty advising can be essential to a student’s success and sense of satisfaction with the academic program. Colgate recognizes that academic advising needs can be diverse, and individual expectations and requirements often hange with time. Effective advising develops in a timely fashion when students take the responsibility of reading this catalogue and the Colgate Student Handbook, and seek assistance early and often.

Academic advising typically follows this pattern during the four years at Colgate:

Prior to the first semester

Students select courses for the first semester during July, prior to their arrival on campus for the fall orientation program. At this point the first-year web pages, and summer pre-matriculation faculty advisers serve as the primary resources for academic planning and course selection.

The First Semester - Course-Based Advising

One of the four courses that each student selects for the first semester is a first-year seminar. The instructor for this course serves as the faculty adviser for each student enrolled in the seminar. During the first-year orientation program, students meet with their faculty advisers in individual advising sessions and review their fall course schedules.

Throughout the semester, the faculty adviser serves as an important source of counsel and guidance, gives information on course withdrawal and registration for spring term, and monitors midterm reports. Each semester, students are required to consult with their academic advisers prior to registration.

The Second and Third Semesters - Transition Advising

The advising relationship with the first-year seminar instructor usually continues until a major is selected. Students may change their official advisers by completing a form available from the Office of the Registrar.

The Fourth Semester - Declaration of the Major

In spring semester of the sophomore year, each student must declare a major by completing a form to be turned in at the Office of the Registrar. The student chooses or is assigned a major adviser at this time. The major adviser is a mentor who advises students about requirements in the context of a sound, comprehensive academic program.

The Administration’s Role in Academic Advising

The academic advising program is administered by the Office of the Dean of the Faculty and Provost. Questions, concerns, and suggestions about academic advising at Colgate should be directed to the director of academic support and disability services in the Center for Learning, Teaching, and Research.

Honors and Awards

Colgate University encourages students to strive for excellence in their chosen fields of academic endeavor and honors those who achieve distinction in their academic performance.

Honors in Major

Students who earn honors in their majors have so mastered their disciplines that they are able to complete with distinction original work appropriate to their chosen fields of study. While specific requirements differ, all majors (except topical majors) offer the opportunity to pursue honors or high honors. Most major honors require completion of department or program courses with a designated grade point average (GPA) as well as a project designed and pursued independently under the guidance of a faculty sponsor. Departments and programs will determine whether the oral presentation and/or written reports are of a quality appropriate for honors. For details consult the departmental or program major listed alphabetically in Departments and Programs .

University Honors

Students who maintain a consistently high grade point average (GPA) throughout their academic careers are recognized for their achievements by the awarding of university honors at graduation. University honors are summa cum laude (3.80 for all courses attempted), magna cum laude (3.50), and cum laude (3.30). GPAs for university honors are established and reviewed by the Dean’s Advisory Council. A minimum of 22 Colgate courses taken for a grade will be considered for university honors. Transfer students who have taken between 16 and 22 Colgate courses for a grade will be considered for university honors.

The valedictorian and salutatorian are the students who have the highest and second highest rank in the graduating class based upon the cumulative GPA in all courses taken for a grade. Transfer students must be enrolled at Colgate for at least six terms in order to be considered eligible for the university honor of valedictorian or salutatorian.

The Dean’s Award

The following awards are presented each term to students who achieve the following

Dean’s Award with Distinction - Students who receive a term grade point average of 3.6 or higher while completing at least 3 course credits for a conventional letter grade and a minimum of 3.75 total course credits.

Dean’s Award - Students who receive a term grade point average of 3.3 or higher while completing at least 3 course credits for a conventional letter grade and a minimum of 3.75 total course credits.

(See Grading Policies .)

Other Awards

The Bernard and Sydell Citron Pre-Medical Scholastic Prize — established in 1964. The income from this fund, but not less than $250 annually, is to be paid to the graduating pre-medical senior who has been accepted in a medical school and who has attained the highest scholastic standing among all the pre-medical students graduating that year.

The Class of 1884 Public Speaking Prize — established in 1884 to offer a prize for debate.

The Class of 1997 Award — established to provide financial assistance for one or more graduating seniors. Preference is given to a candidate pursuing a graduate level degree.

The George W. Cobb Awards — awarded to recognize outstanding achievement by undergraduates. No fewer than 10 nor more than 20 awards are made annually to those students who, during the college year immediately preceding the award, shall have demonstrated qualities of outstanding leadership and influence among their fellow students and shall have exercised effective influence in bringing to the college students of the highest character and personal qualities. The recipients of these awards are to be known as the George W. Cobb Fellows.

The Colgate Alumni Corporation 1819 Award — given annually to the senior whose character, scholarship, sportsmanship, and service to others best exemplify the spirit that is Colgate. The 1819 Award is the most selective and prestigious award Colgate University bestows upon a graduating senior.

The Colgate Professional Writers’ Award — juried prize that recognizes and encourages outstanding nonfiction writing by undergraduates.

The Charles A. Dana Scholars — selected each spring in recognition of superior academic achievement as well as demonstrated leadership in the college community. This is a significant academic award, perhaps the most significant after Phi Beta Kappa. Seniors, juniors, and sophomores are eligible for the awards.

The Dean’s Community Service Awards — conferred on the individual or student group that conducted outstanding community service during the school year.

The Dodge Prizes — established by Ebenezer Dodge, D.D., LL.D., president of the university 1868–90, and awarded to the two first-year students who achieve the highest academic record during the first year of their college career, as determined by their grade point averages.

Lampert Award for Outstanding Scholarship — awarded to the student with the most outstanding project of the annual Lampert Fellowships in Civic and Global Affairs.

The Adam Clayton Powell Jr. ‘30 Award — recognizes seniors who have made outstanding contributions to Colgate and, in the process, enriched the life of the student community of color.

The Professor Daniel H. Saracino Endowed Fund for Phi Beta Kappa —created in honor of Daniel H. Saracino, Charles A. Dana Professor of mathematics, to support the work of the Colgate chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. An award will be given annually to the graduating senior with the highest grade point average among those elected to Phi Beta Kappa. In addition, as many as two prizes per year may be awarded at the discretion of the chapter in recognition of specific scholarly or creative projects that are of exceptional merit.

The Edward M. Stimets Memorial Award — conferred on the student who, in the judgment of the dean of the faculty, the dean of the college, the dean of first-year students, and the president of the Student Government Association, contributed the most to Colgate in his or her first year.

The Dr. Leo H. Speno ‘26 Endowed Prize Fund — established in memory of Dr. Leo H. Speno ‘26. This prize will be awarded annually to as many as four seniors who meet at least two of the following criteria: above-average GPA, member of a varsity athletic team, member of a fraternity or sorority, involved in the religious life of the university, involved in service activities in the Colgate and/or Hamilton communities. Special preference will also be given to students who meet the criteria and have demonstrated an interest in pursuing a career in the medical sciences.

The Jewish Student Life Award — awarded by the program for outstanding Jewish student leadership.

The Kingsford Prizes in Public Speaking — established in 1881 for prizes in public speaking.

The Lewis Oratory Prize — established in 1867 in memory of George W.M. Lewis for the orator who excels in the composition and delivery of an original oration.

The George E. Stevenson Prize — established in 1920 for a prize in extemporaneous speaking.

See department/program pages for specific departmental awards.

Off-Campus Study

Acquiring an intercultural perspective is an important goal of Colgate’s liberal arts education. The university offers a wide variety of off-campus programs that combine rigorous academic study with meaningful cultural engagement. The world campus provides access to lectures by distinguished scholars and readings by well-known writers; it opens the doors of museums, libraries, theaters and temples; and it allows students to experience the day-to-day fascination of a new and stimulating environment.

Most programs require language study. Even when not required, the university strongly recommends that students undertake it to achieve a working knowledge of the language of their host country. This effort will not only greatly enhance cultural understanding, but also be regarded as a mark of sincerity and respect in the host country.

The off-campus study program is administered by the Office of Off-Campus Study/International Programs (OCSIP) in McGregory Hall. Options include semester-long Colgate study groups directed by Colgate faculty; semester-long approved programs offered by other universities or education providers; and extended study courses taught by Colgate faculty that include a three- to five-week off-campus component.

Students are advised to meet with an off-campus study adviser to learn more about their options and plan ahead in order to take best advantage of this opportunity. Students should consult their academic adviser and department early in the process to discuss degree requirements and any courses to be applied towards the major or minor.

For more information see Off-Campus Study.

Application and Enrollment

Application to off-campus study programs is made through the Office of Off-Campus Study/International Programs. Applicants must meet the GPA requirements and prerequisites of their desired program, and be in good academic, financial, and disciplinary standing. Students must demonstrate personal and academic maturity equal to the demands the off-campus program, which often exceeds the demands of the campus. This maturity should be attested to by the student’s academic record, administrative dean, and academic adviser. Admission to an off-campus study program is competitive and not guaranteed.

The number of students permitted to study off campus is managed by the university. Colgate makes every effort to accommodate requests for off-campus study that will enable students to deepen their liberal arts education with coursework sponsored by other institutions. Nonetheless, the university needs to balance enrollments across both semesters and so reserves the right to regulate the number of students who are granted permission to study off campus each semester. Careful planning is vital to successful off-campus study. Students should discuss projected off-campus study plans with OCSIP and their academic advisers, considering options for both fall and spring terms that will achieve their educational objectives. Students attending a Colgate study group, approved program, or extended study remain enrolled at Colgate during their time off-campus.

Please refer to “Off-Campus Study” in Academic Regulations , for additional policies concerning the transfer of credit and grades from off-campus study programs.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Colgate’s off-campus study tuition and financial structure make programs accessible for all students, regardless of financial means, just as it does for on-campus programs, and helps to ensure that the programs attended by our students meet the university’s high standards for academic rigor and quality.

Students who study on a Colgate-directed study group or on an approved program continue to pay Colgate tuition and are eligible for Colgate need-based financial aid when studying off campus. Students are billed for tuition by Colgate for the semester they will be off campus plus the cost of any room, board, or other expenses charged by the study group or approved program. Students are responsible for paying other non-billable expenses, such as airfare, books, refundable deposits, optional fees, and personal incidentals directly. Estimated student budgets are available on the OCSIP web pages at colgate.edu/OCS.

Students receiving need-based financial aid will have their financial aid package reviewed by the Office of Financial Aid for the semester they will be abroad. Financial aid is applied to students’ accounts at the time of billing. Students are responsible for paying any balance due to Colgate. If there is a credit due, it will be released to the student shortly before the start of the semester.

Financial aid may be increased to meet the additional cost of off-campus study for only one semester. Students participating in a second semester-long program will have their awards capped at the amount they would have received if they were to have remained on campus. Financial aid for extended study is limited to one extended study program.

For information regarding withdrawal from off-campus study, see “Withdrawal and Refund Policy  ” in Expenses.

Colgate Study Groups

Colgate study groups provide students the opportunity to study off campus for a semester under the guidance and mentorship of a Colgate faculty member. Each study group has a unique academic focus and immerses students in new cultures, perspectives and experiences. Depending on the program, students will live together with their peers or with local host families. Study groups primarily accommodate registered Colgate students, though students from other colleges may participate with visiting-student status on a space-available basis. Study groups normally enroll 15-18 students and are subject to minimum enrollment numbers to run.

Colgate regularly offers the following study groups on an annual or biennial basis. For specific details, consult the OCSIP web pages at colgate.edu/OCS. It should be noted that changes may occur in the scheduling of study groups and that new groups may be added.

  • Australia: University of Wollongong (fall and spring)
  • China: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai (fall)
  • England: London Economics (fall and/or spring)
  • England: London English (fall and/or spring)
  • England: London History (spring)
  • England: University of Manchester (fall)
  • France: Dijon (spring)
  • Germany: University of Freiburg (spring)
  • Italy: Venice (fall)
  • Jamaica: University of the West Indies, Kingston (spring)
  • Japan: Kyoto (fall or spring)
  • Singapore (fall)
  • Scotland: St. Andrews University (fall or spring)
  • South Africa (fall)
  • South Korea: Yonsei University, Seoul (fall)
  • Spain: Madrid (fall)
  • Switzerland: Geneva (fall or spring)
  • United States: National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (fall)
  • United States: Washington, D.C. (spring)
  • United States: Santa Fe, New Mexico (fall)
  • Wales: Cardiff University (spring)

Approved Programs

Colgate allows students to study off campus on a select list of approved programs offered by third-party educational providers or other U.S. universities, or to enroll directly in approved foreign universities throughout the world and transfer course credit toward degree requirements. Approved programs have been carefully vetted by the Off-Campus Study Committee and academic departments for compatibility with Colgate’s curriculum. In addition to meeting Colgate’s expectations for academic rigor, they offer strong on-site support services and emergency support, and provide opportunities for meaningful engagement in the host culture.

Colgate’s approved programs list is available on the Off-Campus study web pages at colgate.edu/OCS, and includes over 100 programs in 50 countries. Approved programs expand the possibilities for students with diverse academic interests and goals by providing options in a wide range of locations as well as a variety of program models.

Extended Study

A number of Colgate courses offer short-term study components that extend the course beyond the campus and beyond the regular term. These programs offer opportunities for students to gain access to institutions and individuals relevant to their coursework that are not available on campus. Extended study is particularly attractive to students whose schedules do not permit them to participate in semester-long programs. The university has developed some twenty extended study courses, of which five or six are offered each year.

Prerequisites may exist for extended study courses.Any seniors electing to participate in a spring extended study will graduate at the next degree conferral date, but will be eligible to apply for participation in the May commencement ceremony. Please refer to the student handbook for details on commencement participation.

New extended study courses are added on a regular basis. Please see the OCSIP web pages for a complete listing of courses offering extended study components.

Other Programs

Students with a compelling academic rationale whose academic interests cannot be met by a Colgate study group or approved program may petition the Off-Campus Study Committee to attend an alternate program. Students should begin by speaking with an off-campus study adviser who will involve the student’s academic adviser and department chair only if the program meets Colgate’s expectations for academic rigor, health and safety, and cultural engagement. Petitions are vetted and determined by the Off-Campus Study Committee and require the support of a student’s academic department and faculty adviser.

Students who do not submit a petition or whose petitions are denied, will not be eligible for Colgate financial aid or grant assistance, nor will academic credit transfer toward the degree.

Petitions for Travel to Countries under a U.S. State Department Travel Warning 

Colgate students are subject to the Colgate Travel Warning policy outlined on the Off-Campus Study website (colgate.edu/OCS). Students may not receive sponsorship for activities abroad, including credit for study abroad; funding for internships, research, or volunteer activities; or sponsorship for extracurricular activities, such as music or sport, for countries for which the U.S. State Department has issued a travel warning, unless granted special approval through a petition process.

Students who seek approval to visit a travel warning country must submit a petition package outlined on the website. The OCS staff, along with the university’s risk manager, will review Colgate student petitions to study, intern, research, or volunteer. Students whose petitions are granted will be required to complete additional waivers and acknowledgment-of-risk forms and have them signed by their parents. All final approvals are contingent on the country maintaining its security or health status at the time of the approval. If country conditions deteriorate between the time of the approval and the departure date, Colgate reserves the right to revoke approval citing possible danger to the student.

Additional Academic Programs

Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUS)

The Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUS) is led by a committed team, composed of a faculty director, an associate director, an administrative dean, and an OUS Fellow. This supportive four-year program aims to tap the potential of each OUS scholar, particularly in terms of academic excellence and leadership in the tradition of the liberal arts. The mission of the OUS program is reflected in Colgate University’s own mission, which includes providing a “demanding, expansive educational experience to a select group of diverse, talented, intellectually sophisticated students who are capable of challenging themselves, their peers, and their teachers.” As OUS students are a highly select, talented, and diverse group of students at Colgate, they especially fulfill and enrich Colgate’s mission and purpose. For information about the program, please contact Renée Chapin at 315-228-7375. For information about admission to Colgate through OUS, please contact the Office of Admission.

Pre-Engineering Studies

Adviser L. Tseng

To combine education in the liberal arts with engineering training, Colgate has cooperative agreements with Columbia University and Washington University (St. Louis), under which a competent student may pursue this option. He or she may earn bachelor’s degrees from both institutions by spending three years at Colgate as a physics major and two at the engineering school (the 3-2 plan). The pre-engineering student may be eligible to continue study for a master’s degree. For further information, students should consult the Pre-Engineering adviser or the chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Sophomore Residential Seminars

Director N. Simpson, P. Tschirhart

This program is a faculty-led, yearlong program that integrates residential, classroom, and academic-travel experiences. Students in the program live together with other members of their chosen seminar. Faculty who teach these seminars act as mentors to this group of students, encouraging reflection and fostering discussion. In doing so, they help the members of the seminar to build a community, one centered on an intellectual pursuit but which extends beyond the classroom.

Members of the seminar travel with their professor for one week in January, deepening and broadening their understanding of the class material. (There is no charge to students for the travel component.) In the spring, all sophomore residential seminar students complete a 0.25-credit course, in order to develop the conversation of the class in light of the travel experience.

Applications for the SRS program are made available to rising sophomores at the beginning of the spring semester of their first year.

Summer Research

Each year approximately 200 Colgate undergraduates receive research assistantships and fellowships funded directly by Colgate, corporate or foundation grants, individual donors, or individual faculty research grants. This funding provides a weekly stipend to enable students to work full time during the summer on research or scholarly projects in close collaboration with one or more faculty members. Often these activities result in presentation of papers at professional meetings or publication in the scientific and scholarly literature, with undergraduate students as co-authors, performers, and exhibitors.

Student/faculty-initiated research proposals are used as the basis for awarding summer research assistantships or fellowships of eight to ten weeks in duration. Partially subsidized on-campus housing options and special academic and recreational events enhance this scholarly summer community at Colgate.

Colgate understands the educational value of research by undergraduate students and is committed to its support. The college is recognized as a national leader in this activity with students and professors from all academic divisions participating. Details about on-campus summer research opportunities may be obtained from department chairs, division directors, or the Center for Learning, Teaching, and Research.

Teacher Preparation Programs

Programs are available to prospective secondary school teachers in the fields of English, mathematics, social studies (economics, geography, history, political science, sociology) and natural science (biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics). Students in these programs major in academic areas for which adolescence teaching certification is sought and take appropriate coursework in the Department of Educational Studies. The department also offers a childhood certification program in elementary school teaching for grades 1-6. Students who wish to gain New York State teacher certification have the option of completing their professional semester in the fall term following graduation as part of the ninth semester program. To be eligible for this special program, students must have received their Colgate degree in the academic year prior to the professional semester and completed all other certification requirements prior to enrolling in the ninth semester. In the ninth semester, students are allowed to enroll only in the professional semester courses, which consist of two or three seminars (depending upon adolescence or childhood certification) and student teaching. Students interested in the ninth semester program should meet with an educational studies faculty member to determine if they are eligible and apply to the program in the spring of their junior year. Colgate’s undergraduate adolescence and childhood certification programs and the MAT adolescence programs are accredited by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) for a period of seven years from May 7, 2014 until May 7, 2021. Successful completion of all requirements in all teacher preparation programs leads to recommendation for New York State initial teacher certification.

New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium

Established with the support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium facilitates collaboration among its member institutions in fulfilling their educational missions and serving the public good. Through the sharing of expertise and resources, the Consortium enhances options for students, faculty, and staff. In addition to Colgate, members of the consortium include Hamilton College, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Skidmore College, St. Lawrence University, and Union College.

Students who have completed at least one semester at Colgate have the opportunity to participate in a collaborative cross-registration program made possible through the New York Six Consortium. To be eligible to cross-register, students must be enrolled in a minimum of 3.00 course credits at Colgate. Courses taken as part of this cross-registration program will count as institutional (Colgate) credit, and grades earned will be recorded on the Colgate transcript and calculated into the Colgate grade point average. Because cross-registered courses count as part of the student’s full-time Colgate course load, no additional tuition is assessed by the host institution. Normally students may only cross-register for one New York Six course per term. A maximum of three New York Six credits will count toward the Colgate degree. For additional information, please refer to the registrar’s office web pages at colgate.edu/registrar.

Less-Commonly Taught Language Program

The Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) Program provides opportunities for students to study languages not available through the regular Colgate curriculum. LCTL courses are offered through two methods: shared course initiatives with instructors located on other campuses and self-instructional language courses overseen by the Director of the Keck Center for Language Study and the Language Council. LCTL courses are never offered for languages being taught on campus at Colgate nor do they count toward the completion of Colgate’s language requirement. The Language Council regularly reviews the effectiveness of LCTL courses to determine whether they are suitable for the Colgate curriculum.

Upon approval from the Language Council, the Curriculum Committee, the Registrar, and any other relevant program of study, shared courses will be listed among the course offerings. Students will receive credit for courses taught through the New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium according to the guidelines of that agreement. Courses taught at any other institution will be treated as transfer credit.

Students with a compelling academic rationale to study a language not offered through any other means may apply for a self-instructional language course. The application procedure includes writing a detailed explanation of how the language study fits within the student’s broader academic studies and an interview by members of the Language Council. Students may earn a maximum of 0.5 credits per semester for self-instructional language study. All self-instructional language courses must be taken with the S/U grade option. The final grade in the course will be determined by the director of the Keck Center, and will be based upon completion of self-instructional materials, regular meetings with a native-speaking language partner, and an assessment by an outside reviewer. All courses will have the ‘LCTL’ course designation. Students interested in LCTL should contact the director of the Keck Center for Language Study.

Cooperative Arrangement with Hamilton College

With approval of the faculty adviser and the associate dean of the faculty, a Colgate student may take courses at Hamilton College, to be counted toward the bachelor’s degree at Colgate. These arrangements must be made prior to the end of the Colgate drop/add period each term. Credit and final course grades for courses taken at Hamilton College are recorded on the Colgate transcript. Grades earned at Hamilton College are calculated into the cumulative grade point average at Colgate.

Office of National Fellowships and Scholarships

The Office of National Fellowships and Scholarships (ONFS) advises and prepares students and alumni in their pursuit of nationally and internationally competitive external fellowships, scholarships, and grants.

Through the process of applying for any award, students and alumni engage in deep reflection about their intellectual, personal, and professional goals, along with developing their critical thinking, writing, and presentation skills. The Assistant Dean for Fellowship Advising closely advises and supports students and alumni who are seeking Colgate’s nomination for fellowships that require it. For these nomination-based awards, the Dean and faculty committees are involved in the review and evaluation of applicants for nomination and the further mentoring of nominees.

Students and alumni pursuing fellowships which do not require nomination also stand to benefit from the Dean’s advice and support and are welcome and encouraged to work with ONFS on these applications. All interested students and alumni should contact ONFS well in advance of the deadline to begin the advisement and application process.

The fellowships, scholarships, and grants for which Colgate prepares students and alumni include: Rhodes Scholarship, Marshall Scholarship, Gates Cambridge Scholarship, Mitchell Scholarship, Churchill Scholarship, US Student Fulbright Grant, Thomas J. Watson Fellowship, Goldwater Scholarship, Truman Scholarship, Udall Scholarship, Beinecke Scholarship, St. Andrew’s Society of the State of New York Scholarship, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Junior Fellows Program, Schwarzman Scholarship, Boren Scholarship and Fellowship, Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans, DAAD Scholarships and Grants, Critical Language Scholarship, Pickering Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowship, Humanity in Action Fellowship, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Fulbright UK Summer Institutes, Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship, and Scoville Fellowship.

Honorary Societies

Phi Beta Kappa

The Society of Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1776; Colgate’s chapter was organized in 1878. The Colgate chapter holds three elections each year, in September, February, and May. Seniors whose records of outstanding academic achievement are combined with the society’s traditional regard for moral character and a broad liberal education may be invited to join Phi Beta Kappa in a formal initiation ceremony.

Minimum academic requirements include:

  1. A course in mathematics, statistics, or logic (or AP equivalent)
  2. Fluency in a second language, as demonstrated by a year of coursework at the intermediate level (or AP equivalent) or graduation from a non-English language secondary school.

Transfer students should take note that election requires a minimum of 16 courses taken at Colgate for a grade, not under the S/U option.

For questions, contact Professor Jason Meyers, Associate Professor of Biology, President, Eta Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa.

Other national honorary societies

Colgate also has a chapter of the national honor society of Phi Eta Sigma for first-year students.

Honor societies in specific disciplines include

  • Lambda Alpha (Anthropology)
  • Beta Beta Beta (Biology)
  • Eta Sigma Phi (The Classics)
  • Omicron Delta Epsilon (Economics)
  • Gamma Theta Upsilon (Geography)
  • Delta Phi Alpha (German)
  • Phi Alpha Theta (History)
  • Phi Delta Phi (Romance Languages and Literatures)
  • Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science)
  • Psi Chi (Psychology)
  • Alpha Kappa Delta (Sociology)

Career Services and Postgraduate Planning

The Center for Career Services supports Colgate University’s mission by helping students to translate their liberal arts education into a lifetime of meaningful careers. Career services offers opportunities for students to assess their interests, skills, and values; to explore the world of work through hands-on experiences; and to learn life skills necessary to attain their career goals.

Programs, Services, and Special Seminars

Career services provides students with expert advising, career exploration programs, and skills-based workshops designed to increase their understanding of their passions and interests and how these relate to the world of work. Career exploration is an integral part of the career development process; the center’s programs offer many dynamic opportunities for students to connect with alumni, staff, faculty, and others to learn about and discuss interests and goals.

The Stanley Newell Kinney Career Library collection includes a wide array of print resources including information about a variety of career paths, industries, and job search strategies. The center’s web page includes information on career fields, internships, employment, graduate/professional schools, and scholarships.

Appointments may be arranged by calling 315-228-7380.


  • Individualized industry-specific advising and walk-in appointments
  • On- and off-campus recruiting
  • Graduate and professional school advising
  • Career assessment resources
  • Job search skills coaching and critique (e.g. résumé- and cover letter-writing, interviewing, networking)
  • iCAN (Alumni Career Advisory Network) database
  • Credential files to hold letters of recommendation
  • Mock interviews
  • Programs

  • A Day in the Life (winter break career-exploration shadowing program)
  • Learn 2 Earn, sponsored by the Investment Studies Program
  • Real World Series
  • SophoMORE Connections
  • Women In Law
  • Seminars, Workshops, and Job Fairs

  • Career exploration panels on various industries, presented by alumni and parents
  • Employer and graduate/professional school (law, business, health) information sessions and panels presented on campus
  • Grant-writing course (co-sponsored with the COVE)
  • General Assembly Business Accelerator
  • Internship/job search skills series
  • Michael J. Wolk ‘60 Conference on Medical Education (biannual)
  • Pre-law information sessions
  • Robert A. Fox ‘59 Management and Leadership Skills Program
  • Start Smart salary negotiation workshops, focused on supporting women and students of color

Signature Internship Programs

Career services works closely with students to help them locate and apply for summer experiences, including internships, research, and long-term service projects. The career services’ web page links to naviGATE, a database containing thousands of internship listings. In many cases, the staff works closely with students to help them develop their own summer learning experiences by researching and networking with potential employers and alumni.

Colgate Internship Programs

The John A. Golden ‘66 Endowed Fellowship provides summer internship funding, in addition to advising, programmatic, and financial support for students interested in pursuing law school or medical school. Golden Fellows are selected on a competitive basis for their interest in pursuing law school or medical school, a demonstrated leadership potential, and the ability to maintain a GPA of 3.4 or higher.

The Internship Credit Program allows matriculated students who have completed at least one semester at Colgate, but have not yet completed their degree requirements, to earn academic credit for internships under the following circumstances: Students must apply to the Center for Career Services prior to the beginning of the internship for approval to earn academic credit; to be eligible for credit, the internship must entail a minimum of 120 work hours and the employer must require the award of academic credit as a condition of hiring. Approved internships carry 0.05 course credit and are graded on a Pass/Fail (P/F) basis only. Students may complete a maximum of four unique internships, for a total of 0.20 credits. Internship credit appears on the transcript with a subject code of INTR and a course number corresponding to the student’s class level. Students may not apply internship credit toward the requirements for the degree.

The Manzi Fellowship, established in 1995 by Colgate trustee emeritus Jim P. Manzi ‘73, annually provides summer stipends to 12 or more Colgate students who perform summer-long community service internships at participating nonprofits in the Boston, Mass., area. Sponsoring organizations include Boston Healthcare for the Homeless, Camp Harbor View, Facing History and Ourselves, Heading Home, Inner City Weightlifting, Julie’s Family Learning Program, McLean Hospital, Women’s Lunch Place, and Boston Rescue Mission.

The Music and Youth Fellowship, established in 2011 by Gary Eichhorn ‘75 and Joan Eichhorn P’05, provides current students an opportunity to work in nonprofit youth development organizations in the Boston area over the summer months. Students partner with local organizations to teach vibrant music programs as a vehicle of developing self-confidence and self-esteem.

Summer on the Cuyahoga, sponsored by the Colgate Club of Cleveland, is a unique initiative designed to bring up to 10 Colgate undergraduates to Cleveland each summer for challenging paid internships, civic engagement, alumni connections, and social events to introduce them to the professional, civic, and personal offerings in northeast Ohio.

Internship Funds

Through the generous support of alumni and parents, Colgate offers grants to students seeking unpaid or underpaying opportunities outside of the university. These grants are awarded on a competitive basis:

The Career Services Internship Fund offers grants in support of unpaid or low-paid internships, research, and community service.

The Caroline E. Conroy ‘10 Endowed Fellowship provides financial assistance to one or more Colgate students who are participating in unpaid/underpaid internships relating to psychology.

The Class of 2015 Endowed Internship provides financial assistance for one or more Colgate student interns.

The Class of 1966 Endowed Internship provides financial assistance for one or more Colgate student interns who qualify for need-based financial aid.

The Galvin Family Endowed Fellowship provides financial support to one or more Colgate students who qualify for need-based financial aid.

The Aaron Jacobs ‘96 Memorial Fund provides stipend support for one or more Colgate students who wish to intern in the financial or business fields. Preference will be given to students who would not otherwise be able to complete an internship due to financial constraints.

The David M. Jacobstein ‘68 and Cara Jacobstein Zimmerman ‘97 Endowed Fellowship provides financial support for one or more Colgate students who wish to undertake a public interest summer internship in fields such as law or politics and qualify for need-based financial aid.

The Bernt ‘82 and Maria Killingstad Endowed Fellowship provides financial support to one or more Colgate students who qualify for need-based financial aid.

The Milhomme International Internships are designed for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors who want to enhance their cultural competency and gain career experience by means of an internship. Internships must provide practical, pre-professional experience in a business environment, and be outside the United States.

The Arthur Watson Jr. ‘76 Endowed Fund for Career Planning provides financial assistance to Colgate first-years or sophomores who wish to pursue an unexplored passion or interest that may lead to a fulfilling career.

Career Opportunities

Recruiting Employer partners recruit Colgate students to fill a variety of career positions in diverse areas such as advertising, communications, finance, the arts, science and research, health, business, government, law, consulting, social change, human services, education, and more. Students may access internship and entry-level job postings on the naviGATE, career services’ online recruiting database. Employers with whom Colgate has a formalized recruiting relationship are known as Colgate Premier employers.

iCAN: The Alumni Career Advisory Network Online searchable database of alumni who assist students with career advice, internship and job strategies, networking, and informational interviews. Colgate’s alumni help students make important connections to the world of work. iCAN is available to students after completing a few small preparation steps with a career adviser. Graduates have immediate access to iCAN.

Professional Networks Colgate Professional Networks (CPNs) in 10 widely defined areas of industry connect members of the university community, while helping current undergraduates leverage the alumni network, through regional events and online networking hours. Current CPNs include common good; consulting; digital business and technology; entrepreneurs; finance and banking; health and wellness; Colgate Lawyers Association; marketing, media, and communication; real estate; and STEM.

Graduate and Professional School Study

Career services works closely with faculty and academic departments to support students’ efforts to gain acceptance into graduate programs in the arts, sciences, and humanities, as well as into the full range of professional schools. Colgate’s pre-law adviser, a member of the career services staff, guides and advises students through the law school application process.

Preparation for the Health Sciences

Colgate’s Health Sciences Advisory Committee (HSAC) is composed of faculty members who counsel students planning for careers in the health professions. The committee believes it is important that students receive complete and accurate information related to planning careers in the health professions. Admission into professional schools in the health sciences is highly competitive. The HSAC provides support for students beginning at first-year orientation and continuing through the application and interview process. Committee members also prepare letters of recommendation for students applying to health science professional school. For more information, contact the Health Sciences Advising Office, 115 Wynn Hall, 315-228-7340 or visit the Health Sciences web pages.

Opportunities for High School Students

Community Student Program

The Community Student Program provides opportunities for high-achieving high school students in their junior and senior years to enroll in Colgate courses. For additional information, including eligibility criteria, please contact Lynn Waldman, Director of Academic Support and Disability Services, Center for Learning, Teaching, and Research, 315-228-7375.

High School Seminar Program

The High School Seminar Program provides opportunities for high school students to participate in late-afternoon non- credit bearing mini-seminars taught by Colgate faculty and administrators. For additional information, please contact Erin Childers-Loranty, 315-228-7863.