2023-2024 University Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Organization



The Board of Trustees, a body of 37 members, has final responsibility for the conduct of the University. The President of the University is a member of the Board and an ex officio member of its standing committees including the Executive Committee.

The full Board has three regularly scheduled meetings each academic year, including one meeting that has a period of time set aside to permit faculty, students, staff, and alumni to address the Board. Questions about the Board of Trustees should be directed to the secretary of the Board.

Offices of the University


The President of the University is appointed by the Board of Trustees and is responsible for the general oversight and direction of University instruction and for discipline.

The Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Secretary to the Board of Trustees connects and coordinates the strategic planning efforts undertaken through the Third Century Plan across various campus and Board governance committees and processes. The vice president also oversees federal and state government relations. The Secretary to the Board manages board matters and the relationship between campus administrative functions and board governance. Elected by the Board, the Secretary to the Board of Trustees is an officer and is responsible for recording and certifying its actions. The Secretary provides the Board with such services and support as may be necessary for its effective functioning.

The Chief of Staff provides executive support and counsel to the president on University-wide matters and and oversees management of the president’s office.

The Vice President for Administration oversees human resources, risk management and insurance, legal affairs, and institutional analysis in addition to advising the president on various matters.

The Office of Human Resources provides development and support for a diverse, quality workforce to create a positive workplace that helps Colgate attract and retain the talent necessary to accomplish its goals. Serving as internal consultants and partners with employees, the office offers expertise and guidance in the areas of employment, compensation and benefits administration, training and development, recruitment, student employment, employee/labor relations, and workplace wellness.

The Office of Risk Management is responsible for securing and overseeing the risk management and insurance policies of the University. The office plays a key role in pre/post-loss efforts in order to minimize adverse outcomes.

The Office of Institutional Analysis (OIA) oversees the University’s research and assessment activities in support of decision-making by University leaders. Reporting to the Provost and Vice President for Administration, the office also manages data governance and the routine reporting needs of University’s leadership team and external entities.

The Vice President for Equity and Inclusion oversees the Office of Equity and Diversity, which currently guides hiring practices, Title IX cases, ADA concerns, affirmative action/equal opportunity, and the University’s nondiscrimination and anti-harassment processes.

The Associate Provosts for Equity and Diversity are charged with fostering a climate of diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout the University’s faculty, staff, administration, and student body.

Academic Administration

The Dean of the Faculty and Provost is the chief academic officer of the University and has primary responsibility for faculty personnel, curriculum, and supervision of instructional budgets. As provost, the dean of the faculty is the chief officer of the University in the president’s absence.

The Associate Deans of the Faculty assist with general administrative areas under the dean of the faculty.

The Associate Provost has responsibility for academic budgets, federal regulations, and other duties assigned by the provost.

The Dean’s Advisory Council, composed of the dean/provost, the five division directors, and the associate deans of the faculty, advises the dean of the faculty on matters of academic administration.

Divisions and Academic Departments. The five divisions into which the University’s academic structure is divided are listed below. Each division director is responsible to the dean of the faculty and supervises the various academic departments and programs in the division.

  1. Arts and Humanities: Art and Art History, the Classics, East Asian Languages and Literatures, English, German, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Romance Languages and Literatures, and Theater
  2. Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, and Psychology
  3. Social Sciences: Economics, Educational Studies, Geography, History, International Relations, Political Science, and Sociology and Anthropology
  4. University Studies: Africana and Latin American Studies; Asian Studies; Environmental Studies; Film and Media Studies; Jewish Studies; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies; Liberal Arts Core Curriculum; Linguistics; Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies; Native American Studies; Peace and Conflict Studies; Russian and Eurasian Studies; Women’s Studies; and Writing and Rhetoric
  5. Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics: Department of Physical Education

The Chief Information Officer has responsibility for the management of information services, academic computing, administrative computing and networking, and the supervision of information technology staff.

The University Librarian is the chief administrative officer of Case Library and Geyer Center for Information Technology and of George R. Cooley Library, with primary responsibility for library services and collections, including the University Archives, technologies, and personnel.

The University Registrar is responsible for keeping all student academic records, supervising the registration process, and certifying students for graduation.

Admission and Financial Aid

The Vice President and Dean of Admission and Financial Aid is responsible for the admission of first-year and transfer students, and oversees the Office of Financial Aid which administers the University’s financial aid program to undergraduates and assists students and their parents with applications for aid from other sources.


The Vice President and Director of Athletics has responsibility for the Department of Physical Education (under the Division of Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics), the intercollegiate athletic program, intramural and club sports, and the recreation program, as well as the management of athletic facilities.

Communications and Events

The Vice President for University Outreach is responsible for strategic and integrated communications and institutional events that advance and steward Colgate’s reputation, attract prospective students, garner support for and engagement with the University, and help parents support their students in productive ways. Among other responsibilities, the office manages print, web, and digital media marketing; visual identity and licensing; the public website (colgate.edu); Colgate’s digital channels; internal communications; athletic communications; media relations; parent relations; major University events such as Family Weekend, Commencement, and Reunion; and external filming requests. The office also publishes the quarterly Colgate Magazine; the Hello, Hamilton community newsletter; and 13, Colgate’s official podcast.


The Vice President for Advancement is responsible for engaging the University’s alumni, families, and friends with a goal of maximizing lifelong connections and philanthropic support to Colgate. Within Advancement, the Office of Alumni Relations engages alumni across all eras, identities, geographies, and occupations through events, programs, and Reunion Weekend. The departments of advancement operations, annual giving, donor relations, leadership giving, major giving, planned giving, principal giving, and prospect management and research are responsible for securing annual and long-term financial support for Colgate through identification, qualification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship of donors and prospective donors. In 2022, Colgate publicly announced the Campaign for the Third Century, a $1 billion effort to provide support for the Third-Century Plan.

Finance and Administration

The Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, Chief Investment Officer, and Treasurer leads the division responsible for Colgate’s financial operations, planning, and administrative services. This includes long-range financial planning, budgeting, investment management, capital project finance, accounting and control, physical plant, construction and renovation of facilities, purchasing, community affairs, document and mail services, bookstore, dining, and other miscellaneous auxiliary service enterprises.

The Office of Accounting and Control is responsible for receipt and disbursement of operating funds, payroll, student accounts, financial control systems, and grant, contract, and endowment accounting.

The Colgate Bookstore sells and rents textbooks, course materials, trade books, Colgate memorabilia and clothing, and general merchandise. In addition, the bookstore sells and services computers and software. The bookstore coordinates a series of readings, community programs, and faculty and alumni publication events throughout the year.

The Office of Budget and Decision Support coordinates Colgate’s planning process for annual and multi-year operating budgets and supports long-range planning efforts.

The Office of Community Affairs and Auxiliary Services manages Colgate’s relationship with and investments in the local and regional communities. The office also oversees the operations of various auxiliary service enterprises including dining services, conference services and summer programs, and Colgate Camp located on Upper Saranac Lake.

The Facilities Office develops and supervises major construction projects; provides for the renovation, repair, and maintenance of buildings, building systems, and University grounds; supplies custodial services; central receiving; and operates and maintains the vehicular fleet and campus utilities.

The Investment Office, working with the Endowment Management and Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees, is responsible for overseeing Colgate’s endowment investment portfolio, planned giving assets, and long-term operating cash. The office works with and monitors existing managers, evaluates new investment opportunities, coordinates the use of outside consultants and advisory firms, and is responsible for investment performance reporting.

The Purchasing Office is responsible for purchasing services and central receiving. It also administers Colgate’s licensing program.

The Office of Sustainability is responsible for achieving Colgate’s commitment to sustainability through innovative projects and programming that enhance teaching and learning, create long-term economic resiliency, build and restore robust ecological systems, and support a healthier and more just society.

The Treasurer’s Office provides analytic and operational support services for Colgate’s endowment investment portfolio, planned giving assets, and capital budgeting. The office is also responsible for external financial reporting and coordinating university-wide treasury services including cash management and short- and long-term financing.

University Printing and Mail Services provides copying and offset printing services and manages campus mail, as well as operating a U.S. Postal Service contract station.

Student Affairs

The Vice President and Dean of the College, Colgate’s chief student affairs officer, and is focused on the overall personal and educational growth of students. The vice president and dean of the college coordinates student development and support programs including the ALANA Cultural Center, Office of Administrative Advising and Student Conduct, Campus Safety, Career Services, Office of Student Involvement, Office of the Chaplains, Counseling and Psychological Services, Emergency Management, Environmental Health and Safety, First@Colgate, Fraternity and Sorority Advising, Office of International Student Services, Office of LGBTQ+ Initiatives, Office of Residential Life, Shaw Wellness Institute, and Student Health Services.

The University Corporation

The Officers

Michael J. Herling, AB Colgate; JD Stanford
Gretchen H. Burke, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Vice Chair
Gus P. Coldebella, AB Colgate; JD Cornell University
  Vice Chair
Jeanne A. Follansbee, AB Colgate; MA, PhD Boston University
  Vice Chair
Hannelore Rodriguez-Farrar, EdD Harvard Graduate School, PhD Brown University
Joseph S. Hope, AB Colgate

The Members

Terms Expire 2024

Daniel C. Benton, AB, LHD Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  New York, New York
Christine J. Chao, AB Colgate; JD Columbia
  Riverside, Connecticut
Steven N. Cho, AB Colgate
  Rye, New York
Udayan Das Roy, AB Colgate
  New York, New York
Carmine Di Sibio, AB Colgate; MBA New York University
  Summit, New Jersey
Julian W. Farrior, AB Colgate
  Boulder, Colorado
Yvonne M. Gyimah, AB Colgate; MBA Northeastern University
  New York, New York
Michael J. Herling, AB Colgate; JD Stanford University
  Darien, Connecticut
Christian B. Johnson*, AB Colgate
  New York, New York
Denniston M. Reid Jr.*, AB Colgate; MA Columbia University; EdD University of Pennsylvania
  Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Thomas B. Tyree Jr., AB Colgate; MBA University of Pennsylvania
  Englewood, Colorado
Carlton W. Walker, AB Colgate
  Austin, Texas

Terms expire 2025

Patricia E. Apelian Aitken*, AB Colgate
  Manhasset, New York
Thomas S. Bozzuto Jr., AB Colgate; MS New York University
  Baltimore, Maryland
Gus P. Coldebella, AB Colgate; JD Cornell University
  Dover, Massachusetts
Melissa J. Coley*, AB Colgate; MS New York University
  Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania
Giovanni Cutaia, AB Colgate; MBA Tuck School, Dartmouth
  Bronxville, New York
Teresa Delgado, AB Colgate; MS, MA, PhD Union Theological Seminary
  Mount Vernon, New York
Jeanne A. Follansbee, AB Colgate; MA, PhD Boston University
  Cambridge, Massachussetts
Kimberly Huffard, AB Colgate; MBA Tuck School, Dartmouth
  Darien, Connecticut
Becky B. Hurley, AB Colgate; JD Northwestern University
  Winnetka, Illinois
Amy Vullo MacMillan, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Mattawan, Michigan
Clarissa V. Shah, AB Colgate; MA and JD Washington University
  Chicago, Illinois
Jeffrey W. Sharp, AB Colgate; MFA Columbia University
  New York, New York
Garfield O.A. Smith, AB Colgate; MBA Northwestern
  Long Beach, California

Terms expire 2026

Michèle Alexandre, AB Colgate; JD Harvard University
  Chicago, Illinois
Eric J. Andersen, AB Colgate; MBA Fordham University
  Madison, New Jersey
Susie Becker Gould, AB Colgate
  New York, New York
Gretchen H. Burke, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Ennis, Montana
Jean-Pierre L. Conte, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  San Francisco, California
Chad E. Cooley, AB Colgate
  New York, New York
Theresa Donahue Egler*, AB Colgate; JD Fordham University
  Barnegat Light, New Jersey
Nora Gleason Leary, AB Colgate; JD Fordham University
  North Palm Beach, Florida
Joseph P. McGrath Jr., AB Colgate; MBA University of Pennsylvania
  Summit, New Jersey
Andrew W. Sweet, AB Colgate
  Darien, Connecticut
Noah Wintroub, AB Colgate
  San Francisco, California

Emeritus Members

Brion B. Applegate, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Rancho Santa Fe, California
Patricia Kiernan Applegate, AB Colgate; MA New York University
  Beverly Hills, California
Dewey J. Awad II, AB Colgate; MBA Georgetown University
  Weston, Massachusetts
Richard C. Bain Jr., AB Colgate; MBA Columbia University
  Norwalk, Connecticut
Michael J. Batza Jr., AB Colgate
  Towson, Maryland
Gloria A. Borger, AB, LHD Colgate
  Washington, DC
Todd C. Brown, AB Colgate; MBA University of Pennsylvania
  Chicago, Illinois
William H. Browne, AB Colgate; MBA Trinity College
  Palm Beach, Florida
Ronald J. Burton, AB Colgate
  North Caldwell, New Jersey
José A. Cabranes, AB Columbia; JD Yale; MLit Cambridge University; LLD Colgate
  New Haven, Connecticut
Bruce W. Calvert, AB Colgate
  Washington, DC
Charles G. Carey, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Vero Beach, Florida
Diane Ciccone, AB Colgate; JD Hofstra University
  Princeton Junction, New Jersey
J. Christopher Clifford, AB, LHD Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Chair Emeritus
  Vero Beach, Florida
H. Leroy Cody Jr., AB Colgate; MBA University of Pennsylvania
  South Orange, New Jersey
Celia A. Colbert, BA Harvard University; JD Columbia University
  Summit, New Jersey
Eric A. Cole, AB Colgate
  New York, New York
John K. Colgate Jr., AB Colgate
  Mill Neck, New York
Denis F. Cronin, AB, LHD Colgate; JD Fordham
  Chair Emeritus
  New York, New York
Marianne Crosley, AB Colgate; JD Ohio State University
  Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Nancy C. Crown, James Madison University
   Winnetka, Illinois
Thomas W. Dempsey Jr.* AB Colgate
  Hanover, Pennsylvania
Kathleen A. Dill*, AB Colgate
  New York, New York
Maurice M. Eaton Jr., AB Colgate
  Kinnelon, New Jersey
Howard A. Ellins, AB Colgate; JD New York University
  New York, New York
James L. Elrod Jr., AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Riverside, Connecticut
Stephen J. Errico, AB Colgate
  Ridgewood, New Jersey
Jeffrey B. Fager, AB, LHD Colgate
  New Canaan, Connecticut
Mark G. Falcone, AB Colgate
  Denver, Colorado
Roger A. Ferlo, AB, DD Colgate; MA, PhD Yale University
  Chicago, Illinois
William G. Finard, AB Colgate; MEd Boston College
  Naples, Florida
Margaret A. Flanagan, AB Colgate; JD Georgetown University
  North Palm Beach, Florida
Gregory J. Fleming, AB Colgate; JD Yale University
  Bedford, New York
Christine Cronin Gallagher*, AB Colgate; MBA New York University
  New York, New York
John A. Golden, AB, LHD Colgate; JD Columbia University
  Chair Emeritus
  Water Mill, New York
Harry E. Gould Jr., AB Colgate; MA Harvard University; MBA Columbia College
  New York, New York
Alan I. Greene, AB Colgate
  Great Neck, New York
Andrew S. Greenfield, AB Colgate; BA Brown University
  Norwalk, Connecticut
George A. Haggarty, AB Colgate; MBA University of Michigan
  Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan
John A. Hayes, AB Colgate; MBA Northwestern University
  Broomfield, Colorado
Richard W. Herbst, AB Colgate; MBA University of Pennsylvania
  Morristown, New Jersey
Andrew J. Heyward, AB Harvard University
  Woodstock, Vermont
Robert H.N. Ho, AB, LHD Colgate; MS Columbia University
  West Vancouver, British Columbia
Stephen R. Howe Jr., AB Colgate; MBA New York University
  Pleasantville, New York
Daniel B. Hurwitz, AB, LHD Colgate
  Chair Emeritus
  New York, New York
Robert C. Johnson, AB Colgate
  Dallas, Texas
William A. Johnston, AB Colgate; MBA Syracuse University
  Winchester, Massachusetts
Robert J. Jones, AB Colgate; LLB University of Pennsylvania
  Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Robert W. Jones, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Bedford, New York
Ronald A. Joyce*, AB Colgate
  Yarmouth, Maine
Richard M. Kessler, AB Colgate
  Stuart, Florida
Robert A. Kindler, AB Colgate; JD New York University
  Harrison, New York
Russell T. Lewis, BA State University of New York at Stony Brook; JD Brooklyn Law School
  Armonk, New York
Edward S. Macias, AB, LHD Colgate; PhD Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  St. Louis, Missouri
Jim P. Manzi, AB Colgate; MA Tufts, Fletcher School
  Cambridge, Massachusetts
Fred C. Meendsen, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  St. Michaels, Maryland
Scott A. Meiklejohn, AB Colgate
  Harpswell, Maine
Rosalia G-H. Miller, BFA Bellas Artes, Nicaragua; MPA Harvard Kennedy School of Government
  Washington, D.C.
C. Bruce Morser, AB Colgate; MFA University of Washington
  Vashon, Washington
J. Richard Munro, AB, LHD Colgate; MBA Columbia University; LittD University of Richmond; LittD St. Lawrence University
  Naples, Florida
Duncan L. Niederauer, AB, LHD Colgate; MBA Emory University
  Florham Park, New Jersey
Mark D. Nozette, AB Colgate; JD Cornell University
  Deerfield, Illinois
G. Peter O’Brien, AB Colgate; MBA Columbia University
  Riverside, Connecticut
Pamela E. Odeen-LoDato, AB Colgate; MBA New York University
  Dover, Massachusetts
Jung Pak*, AB, CLD Colgate; PhD Columbia University
  Chevy Chase, Maryland
Stephen K. Pond, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Winston Salem, North Carolina
Gerald D. Quill, AB Colgate; MBA Drexel Institute of Technology
  Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania
Donald P. Remey, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Jupiter, Florida
G. Gary Ripple, AB Colgate; MEd Pennsylvania State University; PhD Ohio State University
  Williamsburg, Virginia
Allison J. Rosen, AB Colgate
  New York, New York
John K. Runnette, AB Colgate
  Dorset, Vermont
Charles H. Sanford III, AB Colgate; MBA Harvard University
  Greenwood Village, Colorado
Lorie A. Slutsky, AB, LHD Colgate; MA New School for Social Research
  New York, New York
Barry J. Small, AB Colgate
  Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Van P. Smith, AB, LLD Colgate; JD Georgetown;
  LLD Ball State; DBus Vincennes University; LLD Indiana State University
  Chair Emeritus
  Muncie, Indiana
James A. Smith*, AB Colgate; DLitt Colgate; MA, PhD Brown University
  Tarrytown, New York
Joanne D. Spigner*, AB Colgate; MBA New York University
  Madison, New Jersey
Gregory A. Threatte, AB Colgate; MD State University of New York, Health Science Center
  Slingerlands, New York
Ralph F. Verni, AB Colgate; MBA Columbia University
  Boston, Massachusetts
Edward M. Werner, AB Colgate; LLB University of Western Ontario
  Virgil, Ontario, Canada
Bruce F. Wesson, AB Colgate; MBA Columbia University
  Summit, New Jersey
George A. Whaling, AB Colgate
  Dorset, Vermont
Deborah E. Wiley, BA Boston University
  New York, New York
Russell C. Wilkinson, AB Colgate
  New York, New York
Michael J. Wolk, AB, DSC Colgate; MD Columbia University
  New York, New York
Lee M. Woodruff, AB, LHD Colgate
  Rye, New York

* Alumni Trustee

Colgate University Alumni Corporation

The Colgate University Alumni Corporation, formed in 1919, is the successor to “The General Association of Alumni” established in 1825. Its members are the 34,000 living graduates and former students of Colgate University. The executive offices are currently at 10 Utica Street in Hamilton, New York.

The corporation has an elected board of directors, known as the Alumni Council, which also has representation on the University’s Board of Trustees.

The Board of Directors of the Alumni Corporation

The mission of the Alumni Council is to support the University; advance Colgate’s Third-Century Plan; promote dialogue among alumni, students, faculty, University administration, and the Board of Trustees; and to promote alumni engagement. The Alumni Council convenes three times per year and is available to share updates with and hear perspectives from the alumni body year-round. The council’s membership is listed below. To learn more, visit colgate.edu/alumnicouncil.


Lauri Curtis Hadobas ‘77, President    
Joseph A. Leo ‘01, Vice President    
Jean-Pierre Paquin ‘96, Treasurer    
Becky Bye ‘02, Legal Counsel    
James A. Speight IV ‘14, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion    
Jennifer A. Stone, Executive Secretary Ex Officio    

Era Representatives

Era I (1938-1973)

Robert E. Aberlin ‘66
Lawrence G. Arnold ‘63
Thomas A. Baker ‘69
Charles S. Fox ‘70

Era II (1974-1983)

Elizabeth A. Hartman ‘80
Susan Horowitz ‘76
Amr M. Nosseir ‘76
Per A. Sekse ‘78

Era III (1984-1991)

Francis J. Hearn, Jr. ‘86
Margaret J. Palladino ‘82
Carole H. Robinson ‘83
Jeffrey T. Veber ‘87

Era IV (1992-1999)

Julie Brown Ackerman ‘93
Paul B. Carberry, Jr. ‘94
Stephen C. Mehos ‘89
Kevin A. Zimmerman ‘90

Era V (2000-2007)

Keith L. Brooks ‘01
Thomas R. Campbell ‘00
Jeffrey S. Embree ‘98
Seth A. Schaeffer ‘98

Era VI (2008-2015)

Meeann K. Dingman ‘09
Mari C.P. Jones ‘09
Rodney A. Mason, Jr. ‘06
James C. Silas ‘06

Era VII (2016-2023)

Denny Gonzalez ‘13
Tinofaro O. Majoni ‘13
Dena E. Robinson ‘12
Marvin K. Vilma ‘14

At-Large Representatives

Brooke S. Beck ‘94
Christie E. Bonilla ‘06
Lauren Casella ‘16
Sarah L. Cave ‘95
Alvin Glymph ‘91
Michael D. Milone ‘78
Christopher L. Nulty ‘09
Charles A. Parekh ‘97

Regional Directors

Johanna R. Ames ‘98 – Upstate New York
Allan L. Flowers ‘88 – Far West
Janie S. Kass ‘81 - New England
Erin L. Kiritsy ‘12 – Mid-Atlantic
Sonya Lee-Chung ‘85 - Metropolitan New York I
Reed S. Lewis ‘96 – Southwest/International
Tiffany C. McLaud ‘94 - Metropolitan New York II
Allyson E. Riemma ‘11 – Midwest
Kurt L. Wright ‘81 – Southeast

Alumni Trustees

Patricia E. Apelian Aitken ‘76
Susan L. Becker Gould ‘03
Melissa J. Coley ‘79
Chad E. Cooley ‘00
Christian B. Johnson ‘02
Denniston M. Reid, Jr. ‘94

Life Members

Gus P. Coldebella ‘91
Theresa D. Egler ‘77
Christine C. Gallagher ‘83
Ronald A. Joyce ‘73
Joseph P. McGrath, Jr. ‘85
Fred C. Meendsen, Sr. ‘54
Scott A. Meiklejohn ‘77
C. Bruce Morser ‘76
Pamela E. Odeen-LoDato ‘81
Gerald D. Quill ‘60
G. Gary Ripple ‘64
Joanne D. Spigner ‘76
Bruce F. Wesson ‘64