2023-2024 University Catalog 
    Mar 10, 2025  
2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ANTH 452 - Senior Seminar in Anthropology

In this capstone seminar for the anthropology major, students design original research projects grounded in recent anthropological theory and relevant literature on their topics and collect and analyze appropriate ethnographic or cultural data; and each student writes a significant thesis paper. Seminars also focus on intensive reading about select theoretical issues in contemporary anthropology; the specific focus of the seminar reading depends on the instructor.

Credits: 1.00
When Offered: Fall semester only

Corequisite: None
Prerequisites: (  or   or  ) and   
Major/Minor Restrictions: None
Class Restriction: Only Senior
Recommended: All anthropology majors should plan to take this course in fall term of their senior year.
Area of Inquiry: Social Relations,Inst.& Agents
Liberal Arts Practices: The Process of Writing
Core Component: None

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