2017-2018 University Catalogue 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2017-2018 University Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Information


Fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Colgate’s curriculum is established around four academic divisions: arts and humanities, natural sciences and mathematics, social sciences, and university studies. Within the departments and programs that make up those divisions, Colgate offers 55 majors, including several interdisciplinary choices, all of which have honors programs.

Course Designations and Scheduling

The courses listed in the catalogue are currently being offered within departments and programs. Some courses are offered annually and others are offered every other year. Students should consult the course offerings posted online prior to each term by the registrar to identify courses that will be offered in the next term. Classes, laboratories, and seminars meet according to the schedule posted on the course offerings for each term. Students are encouraged to discuss their course schedules and major programs with their faculty advisers or with department chairs or program directors.

Course Numbering

Courses are numbered according to level: the 100-level and 200-level courses are primarily for first-year students and sophomores, the 300-level courses for juniors, and 400-level courses for seniors. A suffix of C indicates a course offered as Core Communities and Identities. A suffix of S indicates a course offered as Core Scientific Perspectives on the World.

Language Courses

In the foreign and classical languages, courses designated 100 are first-year level, 200 are second-year level, 300 are third-year level, and 400 are advanced level. Students from any class who possess the appropriate background may take any level. Students who have not had third-year level courses at Colgate need faculty permission to take advanced-level courses.

Two-term Courses

Departments and programs may offer courses, usually at the 400 level, which extend over two terms. These courses may carry two course credits toward graduation, and may have two course numbers, although a single grade will be assigned at the completion of the second course. Students should register for a two-semester course in sequence, ordinarily the fall and spring term of the senior year. Students successfully completing the fall term course will be temporarily assigned a grade of T (for two-term course). The final permanent grade will be assigned at the end of the second term, when all materials have been evaluated, and the grade of T will be changed to the final grade.


In the descriptions of academic programs and courses, the abbreviations listed below are used:

AHUM Arts and Humanities (formerly HUMN)
ALST Africana and Latin American Studies
ANTH Anthropology
ARTS Art and Art History
ASIA Asian Studies
ASTR Astronomy
BIOL Biology
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CLAS Classics
CORE Liberal Arts Core Curriculum
COSC Computer Science
ECON Economics
EDUC Educational Studies
ENGL English
ENST Environmental Studies
FMST Film and Media Studies
FREN French
GEOG Geography
GEOL Geology
GERM German
GREK Greek
HEBR Hebrew
HIST History
HUMN Humanities (as of fall 2016 changed to AHUM)
ITAL Italian
JAPN Japanese
JWST Jewish Studies
LATN Latin
LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
LING Linguistics
MATH Mathematics
MIST Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
MUSI Music
NASC Natural Science
NAST Native American Studies
NEUR Neuroscience
PCON Peace and Conflict Studies
PHED Physical Education/Outdoor Education
PHIL Philosophy
PHYS Physics
POSC Political Science
PSYC Psychology
RELG Religion
REST Russian and Eurasian Studies
SOCI Sociology
SOSC Social Sciences
SPAN Spanish
THEA Theater
UNST University Studies
WMST Women’s Studies
WRIT Writing and Rhetoric