Mar 06, 2025
2017-2018 University Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIOL 320 - Biostatistics This course explores issues of experimental design, data collection, and principles of statistics as they apply to the life sciences. Topics include samples and populations, tests for goodness of fit of frequency data to those expected on the basis of theory, hypotheses about samples drawn from normally distributed populations, the binomial and Poisson distributions, analyses of variance, correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, and elementary statistical modeling. Students learn computer software applications for the analysis and graphing of data. Course material is beneficial to students planning to do research.
Credits: 1.00 Corequisite: BIOL 320L Prerequisites: (BIOL 181 or BIOL 211) or (BIOL 182 or BIOL 212) Major/Minor Restrictions: None Class Restriction: None Recommended: The course should count as one of the two courses required in mathematics for students interested in the health science professions or graduate school in the sciences. Area of Inquiry: Natural Sciences & Mathematics Liberal Arts CORE: None Formerly: BIOL 220
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